Saturday, July 30, 2005

Suicidal Laughter

'Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.' - B.Newhart

I have a network of friends and associates that are all very very sick puppies... Well at least thats what some of you might call them [and I'm not talking about their Porn collections either]. I'm talking about what they find amusing and the fact they send the emails to me and I find them amusing trarnishes me with this brush also.

The Web has us. We all get the jokes, the pictures, the movies and the Web Pages [couple of links on the right, and Imf** are just a couple]. This humour spreads quicker than the SOBIG virus could ever dream of, and there's a good school of thought that says these emails maybe the only vaild reason to go to work at all :-)

I recieved a movie recently, fantastic. Suicide car bomber drives up to a Cafe and attempts to cause carnage and devastation to its patrons. Alas he is thwarted, purely by chance he'd selected a VW Polo... 'Small But Tough', which contained the whole blast within the car; without shattering the windows!!! LOL It was very funny :-)

In the pub last night with a few good friends I had a master plan... It went along the lines of 'Now the IRA aren't doing anything surely we could put them on the Payroll to combat our Islamic Fundamentalists problem with there own special brand of Christianity'... It seemed vaguely amusing at the time [and seemingly very plausible after a large quantity of Guinness :-) ].

So what are we laughing at?

We're not laughing in the face of adversity, we're laughing to cover up the fact we're frightened. Frightened to think about our own fragile mortality and extremely frightened to think about suicide bombers who aren't frightened of losing theirs.

In a country which is now more 'NON-Faith' than 'Multi-Faith', laughter helps us agnostics [etc.], get around having to think about immortality, religion and that whole martyr thing. [What if they're right for Christs sake? ]. Its just a diversion tactic to save us from feeling insecure.

Or alternatively, maybe we're laughing purley becasue we can do nothing else...

Ciao Ciao
Confused from Chichester

I BLOG there4 I am


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