The Good, the Great and the Ugly

So I got to thinking that's maybe that's what makes a good comedy, or in fact a good comedian, when you can watch them over and over again but they still remain amusing?
Ummm... Hence I thought I'd just knock up a quick post and try and list my Top 10 comedians or shows that I think are timeless, ergo fantastic. [In no particular order though, that would just be impossible to do!] .
- Coupling [Well up until 'Caravan Shaker' left in Series 4].
OK so if I had to pick a favourite it would be the Late Great Spike [Closely pursued by Peter Cooke though]. Umm... Does 'Northern Exposure' Count? Na I didn't think so either. Marginal, but even though it is the best TV program ever aired, as it's not a true comedy I've just got to omit it from the list :-(
But then there's Movies... Oh no I've forgotten Blazing Saddles, Aeroplane, Bill and Ted and almost anything with Robbin Williams in! OK, this list does not included Movies!!! [Did I really say 'Bill and Ted' then!!!]
Feel free to point out any I've missed... [No Benny Hill doesn't count!]
OK and here is my favourite Les Dawson Mother-In-Law joke... :-) 'There was a knock at the door, I new it was the mother in law because all the mice were throwing themselves on the traps.' :-) LOL
OK then, the bestest 'Coupling' quote as a Bonus: Jeff - 'Maybe women are completely different when we're not with them. Maybe they're not cross all the time.' :-) Gotta laugh :-)
The Pub is calling...
Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester
I BLOG There4 I am
Never seen coupling but I love the quote....needed something light hearted, that did it :o)
Cross?? WTF do u mean cross!
Happy B&C.
Man goes to the doc, with a strawberry growing out of his head. Doc says 'I'll give you some cream to put on it.'
I really enjoyed coupling, my father used to write the Cissie and Ada scripts for Les Dawson If you click on the link in my signature it will take you to the bit of his website about Les, including some fond memories of their time working together :) Hope you enjoy it. I think Les Dawson is awesome, he bought me my first drink at the bbc bar many moonsd ago.
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