Just a Thought...
OK so its been a few days without an entry from me and the guilt's beginning to set in, so best I knock something up for your amusement, pity, whatever ;o)
OK A BIG Question then...
What makes the human race different, if we are at all, from any other species on this planet?
The first thing that hits me when I ask that question is that as species we can all foresee our own deaths, not the survival aspects, the pure mortality, we can understand the 'futility' of our own existence. Something each of us have to combat each and everyday, handling it in our own ways, whether by not ponder the issue, accepting it, or choosing to believe in an afterlife.
But I believe the major difference between humanity and other species is responsibility. We have a collective responsibility for the environment we exist in, we can see 'The Bigger Picture'. Its humanities responsibility to safe guard the world not just for ourselves, but for every species here, we are the only species capable of understanding this and acting upon it...
No that's not a speech on behalf of 'Green Peace' just something in my confused little mind I might believe... :o)

What? It made me Laugh :o)
Any further answers on the back of a post card please :o)
Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester
I BLOG There4 I Am
I was almost with you until the end!!
Laugh? Moi? ;o)
lmao How funny!
You say the human race understands the environment and acts upon the protection of it...I think you are speaking for a very small minority there!
Gem: U laffed ;o)
Wallo: Yo Dude :o) I'm not saying humanity understands, just saying we're 'Aware', we're the only species that is. We're the only species that has the power over all others... And that responsibility shouldn't be taken lightly.
I really can't do that whole 'Save the Planet', global warming thing, not because I don't agree with it, but becasue of the 'Selectivity' of there objects.
Its a Global Humanity thing, unfortunitly for me, the only people I belive have got it right, their philosphy on Life are the Buddists, but I hate rice, love red meat and no-one cuts my hair!! ;o)
Ciao ciao
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