Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Been tagged!!!

I've been tagged....

No not electronically, though maybe that wouldn't be a bad idea. No, 'Tagged' by another Blogger... (In the Blogging world that means, a fellow Blogger who finds themselves to bored with life to do anything remotely constructive, publishes a list of answers to miscellaneous questions on their own Blog, and then for the privilege of reading their answers you have to publish your own answers to the same questions on your own Blog... It's like a chain letter in cyberspace!)

Anyways, thanks Gem ;o) (She's the one that tagged me!) So here goes...

I have to list five things about me that I haven't ever revealed in my blog. Here are the rules: 1. Get tagged 2. List five things that have not been revealed on your blog 3. Tag five others. (Ummm I'm not cruel enough to do that though... IT STOPS HERE!!! ;o) )

    1. My Favourite song of all time is Jeff Buckley Hallelujah... (Lyrics)

    2. My First love was Vicki RB, she broke my heart, I was only 10, she left me for a right Jock... (A few years later I beat him up, it felt so so good :o) )

    3. I don't believe in 'faith' in God(s). People who have 'faith' lack 'faith' in themselves and others. Religious 'Faith' breeds contempt, elitism and inter-cultural mis-understanding. It's just a form of controlling the masses FFS, get a grip!. (OK Off soap box now... ;o) )

    4. I'm a true socialist... We'll so long as it doesn't cost me to much in taxes ;o)

    5. My Favourite Country I've ever visited is New Zealand... Gods Own Country :o) (See 'Faith' above ;o) ). (Ummm... OK so I might of mentioned that before on this Blog... If I have a Bonus answer then, I 'Dress' to the right ;O)

There you go... (Ohhh Love, Religion (hey Forgive me!;o) ), and Politics...)

Ciao Ciao
Confused From Cambridge
I BLOG There4 I AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful song Fletch :)

7:07 pm  
Blogger gemmak said...

Fab, fab song :o)

You 'dress to the right'....lol...I'm sure we will all sleep better for knowing that!;o)

10:36 pm  
Blogger Felicia the Geeky Blogger said...

Faith, politics, religion, and love...wow what are you going to have to talk about on your second meme :)

10:52 pm  

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