Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Complete Jim Henson Creation

President Addresses United Nations High-Level Plenary Meeting

'We must defeat the terrorists on the battlefield, and we must also defeat them in the battle of ideas.' - G.W.Bush - 14/09/05

'The Battle of Ideas' - George W.! Ideas! Oh fcuk we're fcuked... :-/

I recon it was a typo! Surely with his track record on 'Ideas' he can't be serious.

Maybe it's just one of those translation problems between 'English' and 'American English', you know like Hood/Boot etc?


The definition of the word 'Idea' is here. [Did you notice how closely related it is to the words 'Thinking' and 'Thoughts'? I just put them in the mix in case George W. was reading this ;-)]. There doesn't seem to be an 'American' alternative to the 'English' version of the word 'Ideas' anywhere though, odd.

Do you think George W.'s dyslexic? 'Ideas' it's a simple and short word though, hard to think that he could get it confused with something else. Ummm... 'Incompetence' maybe? Same first letter... 'We must defeat them in the battle of Incompetence', Yep that must be it... You win George, Game Over :-)

OK it was a long shot... He was being serious wasn't he :-(

It's NOT the 'Battle of Ideas' you dim witted Muppet... It's the reverse, it should be 'The Battle for Acceptance of others Ideas'!!!

Everyone's different, different philosophies; different beliefs; different religions. The Battle should be to stop others forcing their particular 'Ideas' onto others. Acceptance that we're all different. Acceptance that just becuase something works for you, doesn't mean it's right for everyone else etc.etc.

Or as Martin Luther put it far more eloquently than me, 'We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools'.

It's obvious isn't it? George W. does make me sad :-( How can a Muppet that dim be allowed that amount of responsibility..? :-(

Oh, why we're talking about George W. have you noticed that when you type 'Dictator' into a Thesaurus both 'Commander' and 'Terrorist' appear as alternatives... Ummm makes you wonder ;-)

Ciao Ciao
Confused from Chichester

I BLOG There4 I am


Blogger Fletch said...

Lisa: Can u sense my Anger with George W.? :-)

Frightening Speech yesterday, In England he would of been forced to resign immediatly for being that incompident and for admitting it!

But then again, I think that maybe the English Press are far stronger and broad minded over here... (And you think Michael Moore is bad ;-) )

Ciao Ciao

4:31 pm  
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6:42 pm  

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