Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Question of Ethics

In light of recent news about human cloning and stem cell research, I think its important that we all start asking ourselves some hypothetical questions:

For instance, if you pushed your own clone off the top of a tall building, would it be:
  • Murder ?
  • Suicide?
  • or Merely making an obscene clone fall?

OK, OK it was bad... ;-)

Right then cloning... To be honest, it worries me...

So lets forget about that whole God(s) argument and try and making a serious observation. Cloning would promote further Social Darwinism; the rich being able to pay for the design of 'Better' babies. Now I'm not against the rich being allowed to spend their money in any way; shape or form. No, what I'm against is that suddenly we're dismissing the whole 'Survival of the Fittest' science, the basis of our species evolution.

We will be populating our planet with indivuals that have not necessarily evolved to be here. Frightening...

[Please try and avoid the obvious 'Chav' comments... ;-)]

Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester

I BLOG There4 I am


Blogger gemmak said...

For me the whole issue is simply immoral, as an agnostic I can't be accused of waving the relgion flag but I none the less believe that there are some aspects of life that we shouldn't tamper with. The genetics involved in the survival of the fittest are necessary for just that ...survival! What, I wonder will be the ultimate outcome once we begin to choose our offspring by hair/ eye colour/social status/demographics or maybe intellect alone?

Scary stuff!

7:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

having not read for a while and delving through back issues comments abound
A robo babe guinea pig impression surely was sufficient "pay back in itself" for the weekend - interesting to know if ever used in any other situation
Equally The Spitting Llama" is a great name for a pub
As for the clone can I point you towards Hawkwind and their "i am a clone i am not alone ditty" with its "your teenage replica is not the same when she comes she calls anothers name" i hear guinea pigs?........

AWT's mi GI boy

12:41 pm  
Blogger Fletch said...

The worrying thing about the Genetic arguements is who is policing the science... Medical advances to help cure or prevent Alzheimers, Parkinsons etc. I think can be easily justified, thats to look after the living. But designer New Life... (By Gucci etc.) Not...

Hawkwind... Who the F**k r Hawkwind? ;-)Can't find them on my 'NOW 312'...

'The Spitting Llama' Pub, Love it... :-) Crap Food, Warm Ale etc. :-)

Caio Caio

1:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren't we making genetic selection when we choose a partner, go for a certain hair colour, height, size of wallet...etc.??

Survival of the fittest? What does that actually mean in a modern society?

And along the lines of your clone gag – If a schizophrenic threatens to shot himself should it be treated as a hostage situation?

2:05 pm  
Blogger Fletch said...

While ur conscious mind is searching for the Perfect Mate, ur unconscious mind is searching for the perfect match.

Most of our preferences dont come from our conscious mind. They r not a choice. It is a pre-programed selection pattern... Chemistry. This programing is based on countless generations of ‘Selection’ criteria, none of it controlled nor controllable...

Don’t agree...? Y do u think some people often ‘Fall’ for the wrong types, repeatedly?

Ciao 4 Now :-)

4:49 pm  
Blogger Fletch said...

And survival of the fittest.

It means we disserve our place here. All our direct descendants goin all the way back 2 the primeval soup ‘Had Wot it Takes’, they were survivors. Not just us though, every living organism on this planet.

What happens if we introduce something that’s skipped that process, just because we ‘believe’ it can survive? Have we really covered all the bases?


4:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our being here was chance, nothing more, nothing less. We got lucky. Rewind and run evolution again with all the 'determination' you can handle and its still a billion to one shot that we would be here again..

5:33 pm  
Blogger Fletch said...

Stig: Yep Luck is part of evoltion, but I don't think anyone could dispute developing bigger brains help us survive...

Think a guy who was ever so slightly 'brighter' than me once said "God doesn't play dice" - Einstein ;-)

Lisa: Cloning Morals... Umm... Deepends on why their doing it? For Cash? :-/

4:26 pm  

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