Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Goodbye Moto

I know most of you have been where I was on Sunday; in complete panic; overtaken by urgency; overwhelming desperation and complete isolation.

Was it just the way I lifted the seat; the turn of my waist; the way I'd positioned her just moments before. Who knows these answers; who knows why these things happen, why fate choose this path for me, these things are purely incidental and they matter not now.

It didnt change the fact that my hand was now positioned up the 'U-bend' trying desperately to retrieve my mobile phone that only seconds before had leaped from my Pocket and dropped down the Toilet...

Goodbye Moto :o/

OK OK so it might of had something to do with the drink :o)

Ciao Caio
Confused From Chichester
I BLOG There4 I Am


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You goof!

12:52 pm  
Blogger Wallo said...

Hahahaha I take pleasure in your misfortune!
;0) Goodbye moto!

2:27 pm  
Blogger Fletch said...

Jasmine! :o) Thank you.. I try ;o)

Wallo: U still pissed at me for eating your easter egg ;o)

2:34 pm  
Blogger Sublime said...

Ahhh... sorry to hear it! I would probably freak. My phone is like an extension of my head. In fact, I'm waiting for that "built in" model to be put on the market sometime soon.

Just implant it into my head. Of course, then, if my phone fell in the toilet, that would be a problem.

Later hombre,

3:28 pm  
Blogger Wallo said...

Heh heh...I finally gotsome chocolate actually, I'm sure you'll be glad to hear!
Sorry about old moto but I can't look at the story at any angle and not derive humour out of it!
Perhaps I'm just cruel!

5:15 pm  
Blogger gemmak said...

So that's what happened! ;o)

Oh and I like jasmine's choice of words!

10:16 pm  
Blogger Fletch said...

Sublime : Its kool, ive only lost a life times worth of Numbers... Eeekkk... Thats probably not a bad thing thinking about it ;o)

Wallo: Your a Sick Sick Puppy you know that ;o) LOL But Everycloud has a silver linning, and in this case its the replacment thats coming :o),,130,00.html

Gemmak : Oh thanx babe !!! ;o) LOL

7:38 am  
Blogger Wallo said...

Ahh var nice...are you sure you didn't drop it just to get an excuse for a new one? ;0)

11:03 am  
Blogger gemmak said...

Lol..ur very welcome! ;o)

3:18 pm  

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