
I'm sure there will be many instances in my life when something triggers my mind to remember with great fondness the 'Footprints' he's left in my memory. Times which more often than not involved copious quantities of alcohol, good food and a lot of laughter (the laughter usually emanating from us all, either at him or with him, as he recanted one of his very long yarns. Talk? He could talk for his Country :o) ).
Rest in peace Bob, to me you will always be one of life's few genuine 'Old School' good guys.
Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester
I Blog There4 I Am
Well said :)
A wonderful photograph, and a a wonderful post, a fitting tribute to a man who sounds like one of the good guys. I'm sorry for the loss but glad you have such good memories. HY xxx.
A picture can say so much ... and it was a cruel coincidence that found me in Antigua at the very place where the photograph was taken, when I received the tragic news of Bob's death. My friend and a very close working colleague, we had just a few days before, discussed how we would ditch eveything and run away to the carribean and as he put it, i'd run the boat and he'd run the bar.
Bob's footprints have washed away from the beach now, but I put another set there and each day someone will re-new those footprints, just as each day our memories of Bob will be re-newed, probably by some lame joke or shrewd observation.
He was as Fletch has said one of lifes Good Guy's, a gentle heart, a towering fountain of mirth and humour, and my friend,... he will be sadly missed, and fondly remebered.
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