You might say I'm a dreamer?

But don't all religions be they Taoism, Islam, Christianity, Shinto etc. basically preach the same message. Just Love and be most excellent to one another.
"Every religion emphasizes human improvement, love, respect for others, sharing other people's suffering. On these lines every religion had more or less the same viewpoint and the same goal." - The Dalai Lama
So can I conclude that most of the problems in the world aren't caused by religion? Can I for just one moment, "Imagine there's no heaven"?
[OK OK so I'm having a real hard time rationalizing this whole 'God(s)' does really exist thing; so I'll play at 'Devils Advocate'. Let's try and consider a world with no form of 'control over the masses'... Yep that will do it; maybe we do need religion...]
So are any single countries to blame?
Haven't most of the countries in the world via the UN tried to help when and where they could in the Balkans, in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Iraq, Africa etc. Doesn't the international community at least try to do the right thing, if it always does seem to be to little to late in most cases.
So can I conclude that most of the problems in the world aren't caused by countries politicking? Can I for just one moment, "Imagine there's no countries"?
[Again, I'm having a real hard time thinking 'The Liberation Forces' would of entered Iraq if they didn't have a guaranteed return on investment from the copious quantities of Oil].
So surely then the problems must be down to individuals and their greed?
But no single individual has that amount of power, even George W. has to answer to someone [OK admittedly the population of America aren't all NASA scientists but hey... :-/ ]. Surely, no single person has that degree of power and a lust for greed that knows no bounds as to course this amount of devastation and deprivation in the world. Surely no-one wants to own the world and all its resources.
So can I conclude that most of the problems in the world aren't caused by individuals? Can I for just one moment, "Imagine no possessions"?
[Again, I'm having a real hard time believing Tony doesn't actually class himself up there in the religious section and personally believes he has to answer to no-one. Oh and don't even start me off on the whole Bill Gates thing].
So if I'm imagining all these things in my moment of 'clarity', why is the world not living as one?.... That's because I'm not progressive or free-thinking enough to be a dreamer...
I was thinking of proposing John to be canonised... Maybe Saint Lennon of Liverpool :-) [It does appear that they're not being that fastidious in Rome at the moment].
Ciao Ciao
Confused from Chichester
I BLOG there4 I am
hey, i read your blog and thought it very thoughtful and deep! however i also want to point out there is a flaw well sort of... i think, all religions, politicians and individuals as wholes etc. have exceptions and extremists that make it impossible, equalling in the all so unperfect world we live in now.
Thanx babe... :-)
Extremist's... Ummm... That's a tough one...
Wasn't Jesus considered an extremist in his day? Gandhi also... etc.etc. One man's extremist/terrorist might be another's Saviour/Martyr... It all depends on your point of view...
Now what do all these Extremist's have in common..? They mix Geographical and Political Power with Religion. That is to say, they try to gain Political control to force their own Religious Belief's on others. (And thats when all the problems start...Big...)
With the exception of Budddism, I believe, most major religions, in one form or another preach... 'I'm the only god, others don't exist and/or are complete pants'... kinda thing.
Christianity Say... 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me'... (John 14:6)
Islam Say's 'there is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God'
So they are, and always have been at complete logger-heads with eachother, stalemate...
I think what I was trying to say in my original post was...
Why is it that people need to belong; to be controlled; to feel they need to say 'I'm in a group and it's better than yours'... be it a Religion or Country... Aren't we all already in one big Group...'Mankind...'
We have enough resources to feed and house the world many times over... But 5% of the worlds polulation have 95% of its wealth. [And the West can't see why the 95% are little pissed off with that... Ummm... :-/]
Until Geographic, Religious and Political leaders dare to 'Dream Bigger Dreams' instead of being control freaks, we're all 'bolloxed'.
Imagine 'Nothing To Die or Kill For'... that's all the confused message was meant to be really... :-)
If you didn't read the Imagine Lyrics...
I have no voice, I'm a nobody, but I want the people who represent me at a higher level, to be as great and as visionary as Lennon was.
It's not the 'Extremists' that are the problem... Its the masses... In our Political and Religious 'Leaders' we settle for to little... (Usually because of our own insecurity, vested interests and greed)...
Just a thought... :-)
Ciao Ciao
maybe the answers lay with extremist mediocracy.
Umm... Now that's deep ;-)
A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.' - M.Ash
"The tendency of all democracies is, in all things, to mediocrity".
James Fenimor Cooper.
I think we need a new protest group..
Extreme Mediocracy Against Something
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