Thursday, December 22, 2005

Happy Old Year? ;-)

A quick Old New Year farewell thought...

Any of you people out there in Cyber space who might still be under the delusion that the Net is somehow a tool used to progress our society through boosting our awareness, enhancing our education, sharing information or increasing commerce should be interested in Google's Top Ten searches for 2005...

Yep, it was people trying to find footage of Janet Jackson's Tits appearing live on stage that toped the Bill ! [I am surprised Angelina Jolie was that low down though, I tried for her! ;-) ]
  1. Janet Jackson
  2. Hurricane Katrina
  3. Tsunami
  4. Xbox 360
  5. Brad Pitt
  6. Michael Jackson
  7. American Idol
  8. Britney Spears
  9. Angelina Jolie
  10. Harry Potter
[ I Hate Harry Potter ! ]

Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester

I BLOG Therefore I Am

The Flying Spaghetti Monster...

Monday, December 19, 2005


Now this did make me laugh... I know I shouldn't really but hey... :-)

Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester

I BLOG There4 I Am

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Who Killed Father Christmas?

Yep Jesus' Birthday celebrations are fast approaching... [Although being a reborn again athiest the religous conertations of this are completely wasted on me...]

It's the time of year for us all to get together; be nice to each other and most importantly of all, spend a little quality time with the people we care for and show them how much we love them... :-)

Or alternatively, be selfish and go on a Christmas break to get away from the obscene extremes of this most vulgar capitalist ritual which are thrust upon us...

That's right; Barcelona is awaiting RB and my arrival... Escape is just around the corner... :-)

[ Sing along... Use the Coke Advert Rhythm but change the words from 'Holidays Are coming to' - 'Barcelona is coming' and repeat :-) ]

OK so we haven't escaped completely... I'm cooking the Christmas Fare at the outlaws on the Big day and doing my folks Boxing Day, but after that its Farewell and Ado... :-)

Christmas has lost all of its appeal to me; indeed maybe I'm turning into a bit of an old scrooge... But I find myself looking back and remembering how much fun and how exciting Christmas used to be for me... Alas now though I can live without it... Why though? What has changed? Is it me?

I think as mentioned above it's the massive commercialisation of the whole event that grinds at me the most. It seems no longer about spending good quality time with family and friends and being merry to boot. No, now it's all about money... 1001 ways have been devised in which to extracted your cash from your wallet, all sold to us by marketing strategies based on cheap attempts to make us feel guilty about ourselves if we don't pay out wads of money....

Is it just me? Have greed and expectation overtaken all our lives?

Anyway... If your Particular Religion of choice celibrates this event may your god bless you... If not and/or have a good one, drink, be merry and spread a little love :-)

Ciao Ciao
Confused from Chichester

I BLOG There4 I Am

Monday, December 05, 2005


OK I know the question you've all been asking... "What did happen to all that hair?" No? OK, "Where the fcuk have you been for weeks...?"... Ah, that will be it...

Well the truth, apart from 10 days of 'Oral Misery' which I'm not even going to start recanting for fear of upsetting all you dentophobics out there, it seems that at present 'Time' is just against me, "People find life entirely too time-consuming" and in my case this is down to work...

But I'm not going to harp on about the last weeks... Instead I find myself pondering tonight a question asked me today by a friend... The question arrived via email, had nothing in the Body, but in the subject line it just asked 'Favourite Quote?'

As one with a limited intellect I do tend to use other people material quite considerably... Or to Quote D Sayers "A facility for quotation covers the absence of original thought", so all my friend was asking was, who's material and which statement do I like best?


The retort... One already prominent on the right had side of my BLOG...

"I know most of you have been where I am tonight: the crash site of unrequited love..." - Northern Exposure...

Yes your right,
Northern Exposure, only the best television program ever to be aired... A program so blissfully adorned with magical writing it is almost spiritual...

Obliviously though, because said friend was female, this wasn't actually the answer she was seeking, infact she wanted a far shorter snappy quote. [I mean how could I of been so stupid to miss interrupt the question 'Favourite Quote?'... Doh :-/]

So anyhow, after a few email interactions determining what inevitably was too long, too short or not happy enough etc. etc. I went from the Northern Exposure Ode to 'Fcuk Off', which I think you'll agree is far shorter, snappy and profound ;-)

But as I was driving home it got me thinking... What is the Quote to end all quotes? I mean, what quote can you use in defence against those pretentious people that just use clever quotation answers for everything? And was this the quote my friend was seeking all along?

So then, here you have it then... The Mother of all Quotes... [I've built it up a bit now, and it's not that good, but hey... ;-) ]

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." - Mr.Wilde

Check Mate... :-)

Ciao 4 Now
Confused from Chichester

I BLOG (Occasionally) There4 I Am