Highly Un-Explosive..?

For all you would-be Mel Gibson conspiracy theorists out there (and I must say, as the evidence for "Mass Murder in the skies" seems Not to be appearing and the coincidence that certain world leaders political opinion ratings have risen since the Heathrow events, I'm beginning to see some rationale in the conspiricy opinions), Take a quick look at this (OK not a quick look, more a long read). But it does illustrate just how totally and completely improbable a liquid TATP explosive would be to use by terrorists on an aircraft.
So just who and what is information and what is propaganda, who knows?
I'm blaming the same man that was hiding on the grassy knoll ;o) Just a thought.
Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester
I BLOG There4 I Am
Kinda unbelievable...hard to imagine it would have ever achieved the 'desired' results.
Where were they heading? Dreamland, Nevada?
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