Complete Muppets

Something is bugging me, it's beginning to stir within and starting to really p*ss me off.
"Shit!" [ ;o) ]
"What George?"
"Tony I've got an Idea, why don't we kill some more Rag Heads?"
"Sounds like a good idea George, why not?"
"Get Israel to do it for us?"
"Sounds like a plan, stir it up a bit, see if we can't make the Iranians look bad again"
"Yeah we'll show them whos the boss, we've got the all the power but best of all, shows them our Gods better than theirs"
Its OK sitting back for the moment while the Israelis just nuke the Lebanon, ("OK" being a relative turn of phrase), but there's only so long the Syrians and other Arab states are gonna sit back and watch the slaughter, and if they join in then all hells gonna break lose.
You play with fire you get burnt... These two Numbskis are gonna get burnt. By that of course I mean, there not gonna get burnt at all, we are! (If want to give someone an excuse to terrorise and blow some more building/trains/planes up your going the right way about it!)
Just tell Israel to stop you muppets and then try and support the UN in implementing Security Council resolution 1559 of September 2004.
And on a purely selfish note, how the f**k am I meant to take the "Grand Tour" through Iran next year if these two tossers upset them even more!
Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester
I BLOG There4 I Am
....and it's always a wise move to ensure your public mic. is turned off when discussing such things in 'private'! ;o) Idiots!
I'm disappointed not to see our "Little Johnny" absent from the Tony & George travelling roadshow!
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