Extreme Personality Disorder?

You generally remain calm under pressure others may see you as unflappable. Few things upset you, and you may even be seen as rather thick-skinned by others. If something is beyond your control, you see little point in worrying about it. Criticism does not upset you; indeed you may positively value criticism.
You are unconventional and imaginative in your approach to life, and seek out new experiences wherever possible. Others are likely to see you as innovative as you constantly seek to find new ways of doing things. You feel comfortable taking risks and become bored by routine or repetition.
Small details are not of great importance to; you prefer to look at how things relate to one another rather than concentrate on details. This lack of attention to detail may lead you to make some careless mistakes. It is likely that you need to find your work interesting in order to maintain your motivation. Work is unlikely to be the most important thing in your life, as you prefer to seek pleasure wherever possible.
You are a very outgoing and sociable individual, and may be seen by others as 'larger than life'. You have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, although you may not be close to all that many of them. Most people consider you as a fun person to spend time with and see you as eternally optimistic, looking at the positive aspects of things rather than the negative.
You are a co-operative and generous individual, who tries to please others whenever possible. You are unusually unselfish and accommodating, and would rather keep the peace than disagree with someone.
Combinations of ID60 Results:
The combination of calmness and unconventionality suggests that you would be happy working in an environment which offers a large amount of variety and frequent new challenges. Lack of structure in the workplace is unlikely to bother you, and you may actually prefer work environments which are not particularly structured.
Your outgoing, unconventional style mean that you are likely to be seen as an ideas person. You are likely to be a good 'brainstormer', even if some of the ideas which you come up with may not be all that practical. You may be considered 'arty', perhaps even to the extent of being rather theatrical.
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Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester
I BLOG There4 I Am
Sounds like a horoscope to me! :)
Lisa : Horror maybe ;o)
Ciao Ciao
Spooky! ;o)
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