Friday, September 29, 2006


I've Just notice that I've now had over 10000 hits to this Blog, and also 1207 profile views...

So in the 15 months I've been blogging on average 22 people visit my Blog every day. More fascinating to me though is thats nearly 3 new people I don't know, read my profile every day...

So the big question is...

Just who are these people?

Ahhh the wonders of the Web.

Ciao Caio
Confused From Chichester
I Blog There4 I Am


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...not so much "I blog therefore I am", as "You blog therefore you don't know who I am" (when I visit)...

let's just say some of us enjoy your capacity to think,feel and wonder out loud,without feeling we have anything useful to offer back

only small offering I can nudge your way is for your quotes collection: Ambrose Bierce's definition of Logic:" The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding". Just don't feel obliged to stick to it!

12:04 pm  
Blogger Fletch said...

Isabelnecessaryonamotorbike : LOL : I Love the 'misunderstanding' quote :o)

Allow me to retort : "We are but a sum of our own experiences; we can only understand that what we have knowledge of. Everything else is merely a judgement call based on 'best guess' modelling but more usually than not; bad third party advice and misunderstanding" - Mike Fletcher ;o)

Thanx Dude :o)

Ciao Ciao

2:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear hear,although..."that what we have knowledge of"?

Is that from a play wot he wrote?

Okay, so Pedants-R-Us...

Take care

10:22 pm  
Blogger Fletch said...

Isabelnecessaryonamotorbike : The Play... :o)

I act the role in classic style;
of a martyr carved with twisted smile.
To bleed the lyric for my song;
to write the rites to right my wrongs.
An epitaph to a broken dream;
to exorcise this silent scream
A scream that's borne from sorrow...

Take Care... I'll try :o)

Ciao Ciao

12:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably a stalker! ;o)

11:05 pm  

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