Monday, October 16, 2006

A Blast From The Past

Musing over 'You Google Tube' at the weekend and stumbled accross this...

OK so as with everything on 'You Tube' it takes ages to load, but hey...

And I don't want any cheap gags like... "Is that you...? Looks like you...!"

It's not... Though it could well be best lyricist/song-writer/poet of our generation... Fish :o)

Ahhh Takes me back... :o)))

Stunning Lyrics...

Lavender - Marillion

I was walking in the park
Dreaming of a spark
When I heard the sprinklers whisper
Shimmer in the haze of summer lawns.
Then I heard the children singing
They were running through the rainbows.
They were singing a song for you
Well it seemed to be a song for you
The one I wanted to write for you

Lavenders blue, dilly dilly, lavenders green
When I am king, dilly dilly
You will be queen
A penny for your thoughts my dear
A penny for your thoughts my dear
I.o.u. for your love
I.o.u. for your love

Lavenders green, dilly dilly, lavenders blue
When you love me, dilly dilly, I will love you
A penny for your thoughts my dear
A penny for your thoughts my dear
I.o.u. for your love
I.o.u. for your love

Lavender dreams dilly, dilly lavender true
When you miss me dilly dilly, I did miss you
A penny for your thoughts my dear
A penny for your thoughts my dear
I.o.u for your love
I.o.u. for your love
For your love

Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester
I BLOG There4 I Am


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic :) You can't beat a bit of the old Prog. Rock :)

4:22 pm  
Blogger Fletch said...

Anon : 'Script for a Jesters Tear' Bestest lyrics of any album ever in the whole wide world, ever, no really, honest guv :o)

Ta :o)

4:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell....even I remember it, just didn't realise was that chap from Aylesbury! :o)

"A penny for your thoughts"? Lol. ;o)

8:09 pm  
Blogger Fletch said...

Waitress: Aylesbury... I'm sure there all trying to forget that stage in their careers ;o) (Oh hes from Glasgow, band formed in Aylesbury ;o) )

Think I'm sad for knwoign that!

Ciao Caio

7:57 am  
Blogger JustSue said...

Gotta luv a fella who's comfy in a kilt.

8:13 am  

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