Boring Boring Boring...?

Yeah I know people, but last weeks adventure does deserve a little mention here, even if it does involve motorbikes... (But I'll keep it short ;o) )
Ok, no waffle... 4 Days '
Enduro' Riding in the Lake District... Much fun was had, though spending virtually a whole day standing on my pegs and picking my Bike up (when I dropped it, which I did frequently!), illustrated one thing to me... I'm not as young as used to be!!!
Anyways, in total sixty Africa Twin owners (which is probably about the total for the whole country!), turned up... Hard riding on and off road, hard drinking, hardcore... Had a complete Blast :o)
Injuries? Only to
Eloisa :o( Rear brake FuBAR, which did mean riding a few hundred miles home without it... But it all adds to the fun :o)
Was that short enough? ;O)
Take it easy folks...
Ciao Ciao
Confused From Cambridge
I BLOG There4 I Am
Not as young as you used to be?...understatement? ;o) did good for an old git! ;o)
I am glad you posted the video. What a fantastic road trip and what a brave man (as young or not as you used to be) riding without rear brakes. Living on the edge a bit there :)
Brave? Um I might have referred to it as daft....had I not been on the back which by definition probably made me dafter! Heh. ;o)
suggest a blog name change is called for: "African Twin - An Anoraks Guide"
Middle and Tunnel Visioned - life ended when I purchased an African Twin
"Madonna adopted an African - I found I had an African Twin"
I expect a better quality and greater variety for a man (sic) of your pedigree
Gemmak bring the boy back into line - you know it makes sense
Fourwhhelsgoodtwowheelsbad: Lol... have you ever known Fletch be 'bought back into line'....I do my best but I fear it's an unequal struggle....and probably somewhat hypocritical to boot! After all it's me who remains on the back without brakes...... and who shares a tent with those feet! Oh sorry Fletch didn't see u there. Did someone mention feet?! ;o)
"Madonna adopted an African - I found I had an African Twin"
Gemmak - please can you keep the sexual frission off the ether as children read / write this blog!
Looking at the guy more like bringing the guy into a circle - he's the wrong shape for a line
Sexual frisson? I assume ur not referring to the mention of feet! ;o)
Hi have we ever seen Fletch on the African Tin Pot bike? Is it Fletch or the Stig we never see his face only a man or women in a Darth Vader Hat??
Well hes been rumbled & yes he can ride a Bike and we have a picture to prove it ( thanks, 4wheelsgood2wheelsbad )
And it show he has style, the leathers look stylish no exspence spared on these! not like the Black & White chequed sports jacket he wore on wednesday night when we caught up for a few sasperellas, and talked about the good times when life wasnt bike bike bike african twin and ohh neally forgot motor bike weekly news!!
Sorry we tried to talk about Football!!
A good night was had because we had a few beers good food and the taxi there & taxi back had? Yes you got it 4 WHEELS and four friends.
Keep in-touch Fletch & dont forget to watch the Hairy Bikers on TV they are looking for a stand for one of the bikers?? LOL
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