Tuesday, January 29, 2008

That Kinda Day...

Yesterday was crap... I've got the Man Flu... Which translates into, attempting to work from home while slipping in and out of a coma and expecting the Priest to arrive at anytime to deliver me my Last Rites... which interesting I believe the Catholic Church have now tried to re-branded/old-brand "Anointing of the Sick"....

Umm... Why? Is it so they've got more work to do? They could put a Priest in every Surgery. "Father, any chance of a quick anoint, you see it's these Piles, playing me up just rotten they are..." I assume the applications for paediatric departments wouldn't be short of a few volunteers!

Anyway, I digress. So there I am, at my PC, 'Word' loaded (incidentally I hate 'Word', what a load of crap, why can't everyone just use 'Excel'!), a whole plethora of what seem meaningless notes at hand, attempting to write a report of some value.

Guess I shouldn't of tried, to tired. You know when your heart is willing but your mind really isn't? Write a sentence, delete, re-write, delete again, change a few words, delete, re-write and it takes thirty minuets to complete a single line. Move onto next sentence, repeat above, complete and eventually after a few hours finish the paragraph. It seemed to take me a whole day to write a single seemingly legible page. (Hindered obviously by the fact that after about an hour of splattering my VDU, almost everything became illegible anyway!)

Then frustration kicks in, late, tired and frustrated I re-read said partial offerings, what a load of complete Tosh! Delete it all and give up.

Retiring with a few Malts to help me sleep last night, today, still snotty, but a little more rested, it's time to do battle once more with 'Word' (I wonder if there is a copy in my recylc bin, surely it couldn't of been that bad!)

Wish me Luck ;O) (I know, some might say writing anything legible even when I'm on top form would be miraculous!)

Ciao Ciao
Confused From Cambridge
I BLOG There4 I AM


Blogger gemmak said...

"some might say writing anything legible even when I'm on top form would be miraculous!" ....but I wouldn't! ;o)

9:38 pm  
Blogger gemmak said...

eeekkk...where did that little google ads thing come from up there?

9:43 pm  
Blogger Fletch said...

Gem... Its there 'cus I'll be buggered if I know how to take it off!

7:45 am  

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