American Tsunami

As at 21:20GMT the reported death toll was 80 people. OK, thats 80 too many and a tradegy, but compared with the loss of life in Indonisia and Sri Lanka Tsunami last year, which is now estimated by the W.H.O. at approximatly 280,000 can we start getting this into a little bit of perspective please, FFS! [Thats a 1:3500 ratio or .0003% and 280,000 people is equivalent to 50% of the total population of Wasington City].
Then there's a certain M.I.T. study that puts the blaim for ever increasing Hurricane strengths and frequency on Global Warming and the direct response to the increased sea tempatures. [High Sea temperatures cause Hurricanes]. And , who's the largest creator of Green House Gases in the world? I can sense myself getting mad here, I woundn't mind so much if for just one minute George W. would admit there might be a slight problem with the bloody weather!!!
OK OK Ooooommmm Ooooommmmm I'm calm... ['Yes master, when I can take the pebble from your hand it will be time for me to leave...'] Ooooommmm
Oh no, that bloody Redneck Hill Billy Woman's voice, who was interviewed on CNN is ringing round my head now! She survived the the flooding in New Orleans by hanging onto a roof... Quote, and do this in a deep slurred southern accent "I'm never gonna underestimate the power of mother nature again"! It was a Catagory 5 Hurricane you dumb shit... What's to underestimate! What were you doing there? Why didn't you leave? [Would it really of been such a bad thing if she'd perished during the storm and done the Gene Pool a lot of favours?]
Come to think of it... 80 Dead, I wonder how many stayed there and ignored the 24 hours notice to evacuate? Ummm... Sound a bit odd to you? If the Authorities told you 155mph winds with accompanying flooding we're heading your way tomorrow, would you hang around? [Ah... that u'll be the John Wayne spirit!!!]
Call me a cynic, but I just can't help thinking the American's have used the word Disaster to describe this financial 'tragedy', $26bn and obviously the far more important increases in Oil Prices. [For the record the Asian Tsunami rebuilding costs are now estimated at $13bn].
OK, I'm a heartless sod, but compared to the Asian Catastrophe, this was a stroll in the park. Unlike the the US though, the Asian event was caused without any warning, by a massive seismic event, not something that seems quite probably, self inflicted. [And if the US really want to be frightened, maybe they should watch for the possibility of a 'Mega-Tsunami' orginating from the Canaries hitting their East Coast].
Ciao Ciao
Confused from Chichester
I BLOG There4 I am
I agree. Obviously. The levee of "perspective" seems to have been swept away / submerged along with the waters.
It would make sense to categorise all "disasters" into Levels. For example, deaths whether (no pun) caused by "Nature" and/or "terrorists" involving in excess of 10,000 deaths and causing damage more than $2 billion qualifies as a catastrophic tragedy.
A hurricane ploughing pass towns in hurricane territory, does not. A plane crash - usually with apprx. 100-300 deaths - is an accident. Not even a major one.
Hmmm, I think I shall do precisely that on my site.
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