Exploit the Suffering and Bobby Moore!

Yep, ITV are planning a low budget all night extravaganza... but this one's designed to depress us [And not only because Trevor MacDonald will be dumbing it down for the nation!], but because its a program designed to celebrate their own news footage of death, disease and disaster [Something in there to cheer almost anyone up... :-/ ].
They've taken what they believe to be their top 50 'Most significant Shots' and they want the viewers [You and me], to vote for what we think is the most significant. Unfortunately, after a few minutes surfing their site and downloading bits of footage, as usual I became confused. [It was the 'Torvill and Dean' Bolero footage that tipped me over the edge...]
I was confused as to what they wanted me to vote for and even more confused as to how some of the entries they'd chosen could even be classified as 'Significant' !!! [Torvill and Dean again !!! ]
So how do I proceed? How can I choose a single clip? I determined that I would start by defining 'SIGNIFICANT'... To me 'Significant' would translate into 'Moments that changed the world' ... The BIG ones... [The ones that were really really really Significant! ;-)].
This helps, a lot... It means I can instantly discount all the 'Sporting Greats Section'... How can Bobby Moore in 1966 in any way stands up to the Global impact [significance], that the freeing of Nelson Mandela had in 1990? [I Don't mean to sound anti-football, it's just I'm a little upset at the moment because I'm currently running last in the Fantasy Football League I'm in ;-) ]
Then there's all the entries that are of 'National' significance only, they're not 'World Changing', so I'll cross them off the list also :-) [For anyone in Yorkshire, I'm sorry, this might come as a shock, but I'm afraid to tell you the Miners Strike is now over, it wasn't global, more just a localised incident...Sorry again, I know it seemed BIG, but really it wasn't, it's time for you to let it go now... and for my US reader[s], the Miners Strike was when our last significant Fuhrer before Tony, Maggie T. [similar to your Mr.T. only white, female and with a more facial hair], killed socialism in England once and for all. Way to Go babe :-/ ].
Now once you have taken the National's out, there's some entries that are just shocking [albeit good TV!!!], sensationalism, Diana's Death for instance, again, hardly of any Global importance, except for the increase in China's production of tacky 'Queen of Hearts' memorabilia! [Was I really the only person that didn't much like her? [Excluding the Windsor's]. I always preferred Fergie anyway... Red Head... always had a penchant for Red Heads :-) ]. So out with all the purely dramatic performances then :-)
Also left in the mix are a lot of entries that I'm just too young to remember... Vietnam, Moon Landings etc... Yeah I know it's unfair, but I can't make a good judgment as to their influence or importance because I wasn't there, so I've got strike them off ! [One Great Step for mankind, was only a little crawl to the potty for me!!]
So what's left... [After Discounting the Elvis entry on good taste alone]... Some Real Big Ones... Down to Eight, but how do you distinguish the Global impact dramatic advances in medical science have had on the world, as compared to influences of the African Famines ? Its fcuking impossible.
So... Eany Meany Miney Mow.... OK decision made... :-)
But alas after all that, I'm not going to vote for it on the ITV web site... I'm not going to vote for anything at all... Doesn't it all just seems a little Macabre? I don't really want another second by second account of how an airplane can destroy a skyscraper. What's the point? Just to boost ratings figures? Just to fill a slot in ITV's schedule? Just to make some ITN executive a little more Cash?
Now here's the rub, the Irony of it all. The masses of the Modern Church, AKA 'The Premier League', absorbed in their little Footy worlds of Sky sports and crates of 'Carling Euro Fizz', are all going to vote, and there's no prizes for what they're going to vote for... Yep, Bobby Moore's won already... It's the easy option... Saves them having to think about anything other than Clanship :-/ And I'm sure there will be a campaign in the 'SUN' to make sure they do just that aswell...
Anyhow, sorry people, looks like a bit of a long rant... But ITV should of joined forces and done something with the BBC... I would of voted then... The BBC covered 'Sheps' death, that cut me up rotten as a kid, would of got my vote anyday ;-)
Ciao Ciao
Confused from Chichester
I BLOG There4 I am
Ohh... No... Now your gonna be telling me that 60's music is the best !!!
Ciao Ciao
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