Happy Birthday

Yes it's a good friend of mines Birthday today, unfortunately though I am not allowed to name this person on my Blog.
Protecting his real identity [as we all do online of sorts], is paramount, but unfortunately it seems that some people out there in cyber-land who wish to persecute this man, may well be able to recognise his identity from pseudonyms I've previously used...
FFS People... It's not his fault, leave him alone people, he's a good man... Is it his fault he looks like that? No!
Anyway, Happy Birthday Salman... :-)
Ciao Caio
Confused From Chichester
I BLOG There4 I Am
How old is this 'good friend' then? :o)
But Salman was born on 19 June 1947. You obviously don't know your friend well enough
Thats called misinformation...
Its to stop the Fundamentalists planting Bombs in 'Clintons' on the right day...
Excuses, excuses!!!
Cake? Did I hear someone say cake!??
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