Hi honey I'm home...

So I guess you want the holiday update then do ya? OK, I was more than pleasantly surprised with Andalucia. If you manage to avoid the likes of Malaga and Torremolinos and escape into the mountains, the heart of the region or find some sleepy; still yet to be over developed fishing villages, then some quit stunning locations can still be found, some places that you feel reflect the true Spain, rather than just the more common Brits-Abroad Bastardisation.
Based just outside the Sierra de Enmedio mountains north of Nerja, (again another more than surprising quaint town on the Coast), the location was lovely, overlooking the Med. and the cool moist mountain breeze was useful to quench the 40+ degree heat, the perfect location to lie back, chill and do absolutely nothing.

OK, so maybe a little more than nothing, the usual holiday occupations of Sun, Sea, Surf, and Sangria (OK more San Miguel :o) ), where partaken in, but a more than generous proportion of time was spent, 'Doing the Sights' a visit to Cordoba (Spain's old Moorish Capital) and the one of Andalucía's more interesting National Parks, the Torcal de Antequera, a unique geological mountain landscape. These were the quests mid week to break up the monotony of having to do nothing but eat, drink and try to keep cool.
I loved Cordoba. Steeped in history dating back to the original Roman settlement (from 150BC), the Architecture of the Mezquita (The Cathedral and historic Mosque of the City, probably the foremost monument to Islam in the West, sublime and the grandest most beautiful building constructed by the Moors), to the warren of small back streets in the old quarter; impossible to navigate but intriguing never the less. The city at night after the hoards of day trippers had left had a far more chilled vibe, with the locals coming out to play in the plethora of Gardens, Squares and Plaza's, just chilling out until the small hours drinking coffee and socialising. Very relaxing, very cosmopolitan, very cool.

So there you about have it. I could obviously whinge about the lack of staff at Malaga's airport and the ungodly length of time it took to check-in but that wouldn't be a reflection of the break as a whole. (It was a Noon check-in, stupid me for forgetting all about Siestas!!! ;o) ) A most relaxing time was had :o)
Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester
I BLOG There4 I Am
Impressive photography inside the Mezquita! ;o)
S&C : Its amazing what can be achieved by someone with an SLR ;o)
Of course we missed you!
Looks and sounds like you had a good time. Im glad to hear it!
But, no I didn't miss you. Enjoyed the peace actually ;)
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