Cash is King...

Jesus I hate Football... Why? Because it is unashamedly no longer a sport.
Don't believe me? OK next time you speak to a football fan, ask him why he likes the game? His reply will be along the lines of "I know its all about money, but I just Love football"... Ummm... Seems like a sensible answer, until you ask them, "OK so you love football, so why do you feel the need to support a national team? When was the last time you supported your local town club? Surely if you loved the game you'd get more pride from supporting them than you would any of the major national conglomerates, and at least you might be able to actually get to see the game live?"
There arguments evaporates because its not about football at all, its tribal, it's so we can "Belong". It seems to be almost religious; it's replaced visiting DIY stores at the weekend as the male thing to do ;o) It feeds on peoples needs to fit in and cultivates there insecurities, and in the process rapes them of hard earned cash to sustaining massively over paid Prima Donna's, television empires and shareholders... It's all Bollox, it's not a game, it's a Buisness, nothing more.
But the World Cup, now that really hacks me off even more than football usually does... It's the sudden almost hysterical nationalism thats sweeping across the country. FFS what's that all about? In a recent survey only 25% of English people asked actually knew what day of the year St.Georges Day was on (April 23rd ;o) )... That's meant to be the English National Day!!!
So where oh where has this sudden influx of patriotism appeared from? Call me cynical, but it wouldn't be the media whipping up a right furriery would it, all in the name of "Being Proud To Be English"? Of course not, it's all about selling as many newspapers and as much Tacky 'English' memorabilia as possible, just a bit more capitalism, at the expense of the average guy.
But in what seems like a very welcome ironic twist of fate, in the office Sweepstake I've picked Brazil (Odds on favourite to win)... So it would appear the guy that loathes football the most, might benefit from the whole debacle! (I'm really considering buy a Brazil Flag for the Car :o) )
Have a good weekend folks :o)
Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester
I BLOG There4 I Am
Football is a great game it brings together people from all walks of life and from all corners of the world! FACT
I do recall you watching the Arsenal Juventus Game recently and you thought Juventus was Newcastle? and you say you dont like or know nothing about footie Bollox you do!
Well next Thursday at our regular drinking hole you will watch the game coz both rooms in the pub have TVs in and were are watching it. So get used to it until you F**k Off on holiday then get ready to see all the brits on holiday with the with there flags, shirts towels etc. Brits on holiday are more proud to be a brit than them at home so get ready dude you will not get away from it!
have a great time dude.
Bognor Blade : Not Fair!!! I watched 2 mins of that Game and wanted the guy in the Yellow T-Shirt (Who was out numbered 22-2-1) to win!
Ohh... And Football may bring people together from all over the world, agreed... And usually they get to meet and spend some quality time together in A&E after the post match fight. I'm sure they exchange addresses and phone numbers on eachothers 'casts' and become life long friends ;o)
And as for my Holiday, a self imposed excile will be enforced... :o) (Your just jealous ;o) )
Ciao Caio
Ahem, Olay Olay Olay Olay!!
Australia 3...Japanese "whaleblubber bastards" 1
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oy Oy Oy!!
Michelle : It doesn't matter where u travel in the world, but theres always 1 over excitable Australian isn't there! ;o)
I assume by ur comments, Australia are playing considerably better in The 'Football' World Cup than they might of done in similar past 'Rugby' tournaments? ;o)
Ciao Caio
Ok, i'll give you the over excitable aussie thing, HOWEVER, you obviously have not checked the recent union scores on Aust vs England match...go wallabies! :o/
Michelle : 34-3 :o( Don't suppose I can't rest on our past laurels can I ? ;o)
Ciao Ciao
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