
So I submit two quotes from one of the greatest people ever to have lived, Martin Luther King Jnr. These to help me ponder and reflect on the true 'Whys' rather than the Political spin and bollox we here so much of in the media.
"Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true."
"I submit to you that if a man hasn't discovered something he will die for, he isn't fit to live."
And what have we learnt if anything at all for 07/07/05? Nothing... :o(
Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester
I BLOG There4 I Am
well said, comtemplated, reflected, all things not done enough with any balance since last 7th July
Somewhere the answer has to be in reacting less, loving more...not so much Imagine as All You Need is Love, may sound simple or twee,but it's the hardest challenge in the world, "All" the most understated choice of lyric
"The UK troops in Afghanistan are part of a three-year Nato task force charged with helping the Afghan government to stamp its authority on the region."
You oppose that? Considering the Taliban left and order needs to be restored?
Ohhh... 2 Anons... :o)
Anon2 : Yeah OK lets get stuck in then, it's working in Iraq yes? Give it a couple of years and there will be a MacDonalds on Every corner and the Black Gold will all be ours. Hahahaha... (Do the 'Hahahaha' bit in your best Doctor Evil voice :o) )
"A great many people think they are thinking when they are acutally just rearranging their prejudices." - William James
Ciao Ciao
Well, you can't just run in, get rid of the arsist government bullies and then flee, can you? You have to make sure the country can stand on its feet again.
I'm pretty sure you all aren't there building retail stores, eh?
My Point is why 'Just Run In'?
What gives you/me the right to think that our own civilisation/society/values are better than others? After all were not exactly doin a good job are we? Greed fuelled isolationism, raping the planet of all its natural resources and heading rapidly towards climatic Armageddon, isn't actually something I want to be encouraging.
Ciao Caio
I think you're forgetting about the Taliban. I'm guessing we don't just run in somewhere because "we" don't like a particular culture. My thought would be that there has to be a humanitarian issue as far as the people are related. Look at the culture in Iraq and Afghanistan where women are treated so poorly. It's not that the women are loving being treated that way. It's that they're afraid to do anything about it, or they feel helpless TO do anything.
War is bad. Don't get me wrong. I think there are legitimate reasons for war.
I'm just not on the "peace and love is all we need" bandwagon yet.
Maybe someday. :)
In the meantime, there is a big difference between the hate that drives people to blow up the Tube and the reason why people decide to go to war. Don't you agree? I mean, if we hated the place we were going to war with, why not just blow them up entirely?
Ohhh I seem to of stirred a little something up here :o)
Lisa : Sorry babe, call me a cynic here but if u believe we 'Run' into anywhere for humanitarian reasons I think your sadly mistaken, though I'd like to believe you were right.
We 'Run' into these places ultimately for 'Control', whether that's control of wealth, geography, resource etc. it's all about control and our societies own self interest. (We're in Afghanistan in an attempt to control the Perceived 'Terrorist' threat against ourselves and protect our own society, that and to control the Heroin trade into Europe, not to help Joe Average Afghani).
Ummm... The Axis of Evil, the Taliban! Fancy a History lesson? The Taliban were born of the Afghan Mujahideen. The Mujahideen were significantly financed, armed, and trained by the United States (during the Carter and Reagan administrations). Ronald Reagan praised them as freedom fighters, (and the 1988 Rambo III, portrayed them as heroic!). Following the Soviet retreat from Afganistan, many of the larger Mujahideen groups began to fight each other. After several years of this fighting, religious students formed into an armed movement, being funded by the United States, which found the existing government to be too Russia-influenced. This movement became known as the Taliban, meaning "students".
Slightly ironic no, the same men the US funded to fight the Russians now pose a major threat to the United States and the west. Why? Because US Foreign Policy is governed by greed, prejudice and horrifically high levels of incompetence and short sightedness, bottom line, you reap what you sow.
If we are the worlds 'Peacekeepers' doing everything for humanitarian reasons, why haven't we done anything about the inhuman atrocities occurring in Chad, Uganda or the Sudan to name but a few, simple, because it's not in our own interest to do so, Africa isn't important enough to us, (No Oil!)
"In the meantime, there is a big difference between the hate that drives people to blow up the Tube and the reason why people decide to go to war. Don't you agree?" No I don't agree... What we're facing is the back lash of imposing our culture/will onto societies where it doesn't fit or where they don't necessarily all want it? Remember Vietnam? 'Terrorism' and guerrilla warfare aren't that dissimilar. Its a way of having a voice, it's a way to get heard when they feel suppressed, its what happens when you back people against a wall and take away their ability to communication and be recognized.
Women in Islamic culture... Ummm... Your judging their social values by your own, you've decided that yours are right, what gives you the right to do that? Do you really believe our western values are the only right way to live? Any society aim is soley about control of the masses... That's all... We are all slaves to it one way or another... (In the west it tends to be disguised in the form of Money...!)
All we have to do is listen more... Simple... Never judge a man by his actions but his motives.
Hey, you might say I'm a dreamer ;o)
Ciao Ciao
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