I hate BMW Drivers...
[Please excuse the Bad language from this post... It is required!]

Now we all know that Indicators are an optional extra on BMW's. An option usually not taken up by the owner at the time of purchase, just an expensive un-used addition to the vehicle, no?
But I hate BWM drivers not only for that, but because they are a bunch of arrogant w**kers who tend to believe that because they can afford to spend a small fortune (Yep, you've been robbed, the Audis better and a lot cheaper!!!), on a car then, then that automatically excludes them from having to obey any of the rules of the road, why should they? They believe they own it!
My case in point. Last night travelling along a reasonably straight and wide road I approached a side turning at about 55mph... A nice shinny 5 series BWM pulled up to the line to turn across me, he stopped, looked, waited for a couple of seconds for me to get within 20yards of him, then floored his car and pulled straight out in front of me to join the opposite carriageway.
Now, usually when faced with a situation like this I have a tendency to "See Red"... Normally I would accelerate, probably aim straight for his passenger door in attempt to "T-Bone" the w**ker or at least let him deposit a whole heap of smelly fear into underwear. (Going on the philosophy at 60mph me hitting his off side door would make him just slightly more aware of other traffic using "His" road, remembering of course the trick to playing chicken is knowing when to flinch!)
Unfortunately, but fortunately for him I'm guessing, I wasn't in the car, I was on the Bike and a slightly different perception of the events unfolded...
"Shiiiiitttttt"... [Now emergency stopping, is that 75% front and 25% rear brake? F**k knows, hit everything!] I managed with only inches to spare to ride around the rear end of his vehicle, it was close though, to close.
Now I know what your thinking, I'm on a motorbike so he didn't see me. We'll NO! He saw me, I know he saw me because I could see him looking straight at me pondering before he pulled out, that and no-one facing my bike misses it, standing over 6 foot high with me sitting on it with dual headlights and twin side spot light glowing, shes like the Blackpool illuminations to look at from the front.
Nope, he was just driving like a BWM driver, a complete w**ker that nearly resulted in my death... Tosser!!! Are you getting the Vibe here? I wasn't that impressed?

NB. In multiple vehicle accidents involving motorcycles, the driver of the car in over two thirds of all incidents violates the motorcyclist's right of way. [I bet most of them drive BMW's!]
Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester
I Blog There4 I Am