Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Good, The Bad and The Ukulele!

For no other reason than this made me smile... :O)

Oh... Here....

Ciao Ciao
Confused From Cambridge
I BLOG There4 I Am

Monday, February 11, 2008

Buy Back

It seems like a very poignant time of the year to me to try and ‘Buy Back’ into life. Maybe it’s the significance of this week in my history that’s spurred me on to do so, or maybe it’s this particular week that’s reminded me just how fragile ones life can be. Either way I feel now that I better make the most of what life is offering.

The last two years I’ve mostly spent dazed and confused, coming to terms with what happened in my life back then and where, after all the fallout has settled, I am left. Through that mystified era I caused a lot of pain to innocent people that didn’t deserve it. I make no excuses for my actions, some of them where just plainly wrong, self centered, cruel and shocking. Some where right or at least seemed so at the time, but then hindsight is a wonderful tool.

Either way I’m here now. And this "now" maybe just the right time to start trying to forgive others, but more importantly to start trying to forgive myself. It’s time to strive onwards and address some of the flotsam and jetsam I’ve left in my wake, and to resolve the issues I’ve avoided for far to long in life while I temporarily avoided reality.

For those of you that don’t understand the above, I’m sorry but no details, this isn’t meant to be an epitaph to a broken dream. For those of you that do understand, please don’t comment, it's not needed. And for those of you that have been there to help me over last two years while I continued to make a complete arse of myself some of the time, I thank you greatly for your patience and hope in my perpetual state of drunken abandon I was sometimes vaguely amusing at least ;o)

OK Enough…

He’s coming back, bigger, better, with less hair, but with more motorbikes ;o)

Ciao Ciao
Confused From Cambridge
I Blog There4 I Am

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Six Words...

One of my favourite writers (who I admit I haven't read enough of), once reportedly had a little wager with a journalist. The wager was to write in only Six words, a story.

His response: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn"

Hemingway won the bet. It may well be short, but what more do you need to know? (Ladies, for arguments sake, they were brown ;o) ).

Anyway's, the reason I recant this little yarn is because whilst listening to the radio this morning, I heard of a competition being held by Smith Magazine to write something similar, but not just a story, your life story, in just six words...

It appears to of attracted a lot of entries, but my favourite submissions, of those I've heard so far, are:

"It takes talent to waste talent"
"Life too short, eat good cheese"
"Don't 'Swing' until your second marriage"
"I came, I saw, I kvetched"
"Everything I've made can be deleted"
"White was never my colour anyway"
"I make some pretty bad decisions"
"Wake up, wash, rinse, and repeat"
"Bacon makes everything better in life"

So it got me thinking, what would my entry be?

Maybes, "Dreams and hair, come and go"... ;o)

Feel free to share your own six word life story :O)

Ciao Ciao
Confused From Cambridge
I BLOG There4 I Am

Monday, February 04, 2008

He's the Man...

Dedicated to all my married male friends... (ummm, and some NOT married!)

Requires Sound

Ciao Ciao
Confused from Cambridge
I BLOG There4 I AM

Friday, February 01, 2008

Which route?

Well, my youngest 'scabby blister' is getting married this September in the South of Italy and not being one to miss an opportunity to go for a little ride on the bike (well it's only a couple of days and Eloisa needs a good run out ;O) ), riding down is the preferred option (it's OK I've checked, attending the wedding in Bike Gear is acceptable. Actually I did offer to ride her to the wedding in style, but she declined, something about oily motorbikes and wedding dresses ;O) ).

Anyway's, then I got to a pondering... It might well be worth extending the break from a single week to three and make another European tour out of it (clever hey ;o) ).

So, pondering some more, I've come up with route options, three of them. All starting in a similar fashion, do the wedding Gig, then catch the Ferry from Bari to Greece and keep heading east'ish towards to Istanbul. But the question is where to go from there? (can't really keep heading Eastwards and expect to get back within the time scale!).

So Below are the three options I'm playing with, what do you think?

Long Route (Off to Moscow!)

Medium Route (Trying to avoid any left over land mines!)

Leisurely Route (OK not that leisurely)

Ciao Ciao
Confused From Cambridge
I BLOG There4 I AM