'Power To The People'

Walter Wolfgang AKA 'Wolfie' [As he's known to his friends], was ejected from the 'New' Labour Party conference yesterday and held under the UK's 'Prevention of Terrorism' laws.
Who was this guy? An 'al-Qa'ida' suicide bomber? A 'Mujahedeen' mercenary with secret mission to assassinate our Lord Tony Blair?
No, he was a frail eighty two year old man! A man who has been a Labour Party member since 1948, before Tony Blair was even born. A man who had broken no laws, all he'd dared to do was yell 'nonsense' at the Foreign Secretary whilst he gave a speech. The old boy is a peace campaigner and very anti the war in Iraq.
[Ohh.. While I'm mentioning Tony B, has anyone every seen him and Mrs.Thatcher together in the same room at the same time? It's just a thought because I've got this theory that they might well be one of the same person! You know like Michael Jackson and LaToya.]
Anyway, for heckling... Heckling FFS! It's a party conference, people are meant to Heckle! Oh and Wolfie might not have felt the need to heckle at the conference if 'New' Labour had not refused to debate the war in Iraq in the first place!
The wider issue... Don't say, blog or express your opinions about anything the current UK government doesn't want to here. If you do, your 'Knicked' sunshine under the 'Prevention of Terrorism' act!
It is a very sad day for the freedom of speech in this country. First the ban on demonstrations within a mile of Parliament and now the police see the use of anti-terrorism laws as an excuse to restrain innocent citizens. Sadly though, it can only get worse with the planned introduction of ID Cards and further Anti-Terrorism laws being rushed through.
And the Irony of it all? Jack Straws speech that Wolfie interrupted, it was about the UK's attempt to introduce democracy to Iraq, whilst at the same time giving a clear illustration of fascism in his own country.
Ciao Ciao
Confused From Chichester
I BLOG There4 I Am